Marsh & Habitat Creation Projects

Marsh CreationRestoration of wetlands in open water or areas of degraded marsh through placement of dredged material to restore marsh and provide additional storm-surge reduction. Marsh creation projects also include terracing projects and vegetative plantings. Common limitations of marsh creation projects are availability of sediment sources, water depths, and natural containment among other factors. Marsh creation projects usually have a 20-year life cycle due to long-term settlement and subsidence and require future maintenance to restore marsh elevations. Marsh creation projects offer increased longevity when not subjected to wind and wave erosional forces, such as those adjacent to large open bodies of water. Marsh creation projects are commonly built in open shallow water areas with naturally occurring containment.

Completed Highlight Projects


Queen Bess Refuge – Creation and Plantings

Long Distance Sediment Pipeline Phase 1

Projects in Construction


Caminada Headlands

Projects in Design


Upper Barataria Terracing

Hackberry Bay Oyster Reef Creation

West Barataria Marsh Creation Projects