We know now more than ever, it is critically important to fulfill our duty in delivering essential services to our community. As of Monday, March 16, 2020 the following Jefferson Parish services are operating. Please keep in mind that this list can change quickly. We will continue to advise if changes are made:
Public Works Departments-Operations The Jefferson Parish Department of Public Works will remain open, which consists of multiple departments including Water (bill pay and collection), Sewerage, Drainage, Streets, Parkways, Garbage and Landfill Operations. Collectively, Public Works Departments maintain and improve Parish infrastructure. We are committed to continuing to provide the best and most efficient service to the citizens of our Parish during this time.
- Garbage collection and recycling services will continue. Jefferson Parish provides for the collection of containerized household garbage twice per week; recycling collection is once per week.
- The Jefferson Parish Water Department will restore water services to any resident who has been shut off within the past two weeks. Our Water Department will also refrain from shutting off water for the coming weeks due to the COVID-19 situation in our community. Residents and business owners who pay water bills in-person, are encouraged to do so online at www.JeffParish.net, by phone or by using the Terry Parkway Drive-Through service, which is located at 721 Terry Parkway Terrytown, LA 70056 (Drive-Up Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
First Responder/Public Safety Departments-Operations Jefferson Parish Fire Services, Eastbank Consolidated Fire Department, Emergency Management, Community Justice Agency and Juvenile Services are fully operational and ready to respond to citizens’ needs during this time.
Land Use & Development-Operations Jefferson Parish Inspection and Code Enforcement, including permitting, and Property Maintenance and Zoning will continue. These Departments enforce Parish zoning laws pertaining to the use and upkeep of all property in Jefferson Parish.
Engagement and Community Programs
- Citizens’ Affairs will continue to operate, with the exception of all permitted special events in Jefferson Parish regardless of size, which are suspended until further notice.
- Headstart is suspended as it follows the directive of the Jefferson Parish Public School Systems.
- All non-essential programming and events at Jefferson Parish Community Centers and Senior Centers are suspended, until further notice; this includes rentals and the Senior Expo which is canceled.
- Essential services, including food distribution will continue. JeffCAP is maintaining regular operating hours for the food pantry; however, it will be strictly drive-through. The food distribution will take place from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. daily, or until all the food is distributed. The schedule distribution sites include Bridge City and Gretna (1st and 3rd Monday); Harvey (1st and 3rd Tuesday), Marrero (1st and 3rd Wednesday), Simmons (2nd and 4th Monday) and Watson and Hazel Hurst (2nd and 4th Tuesday).
- The Jefferson Workforce Connection, also identified as “American Job Center”, is open and fully operational; however, only 10 people will be allowed inside at one time.
Jefferson Parish Transit The Jefferson Parish Transit Department (JeT) is fully operational and is working alongside Transdev and health and security officials, as well as industry leaders for updates and best practices. Our Transit Department is increasing sanitization efforts, which includes: daily cleaning of all 41 buses and 20 paratransit vehicles; mounting hand sanitizer dispensers to all Buses and Paratransit vehicles next week; regular announcements on all buses and on every route to “Wash Hands Often” in both English and Spanish; and a plan for adjusted levels of service and routes, as needed. As of March 16, JeT will continue to operate regular scheduled service for all fixed route bus service and paratransit services through Saturday March 21st. JeT has two plans to reduce service, the first is by 79% and second is by 58% of the regular Fixed Route bus service.
JPRD All indoor JPRD facilities and gyms are closed for recreational use, until further notice. Playgrounds and other open spaces will remain available for residents; however, all organized activities are suspended, which includes all team practices and/or games, including track, Biddy Basketball, Babe Ruth softball and baseball. All shelter and room/golden age rentals have been either canceled or postponed.
Jefferson Parish Animal Shelters All upcoming events have been suspended until further notice. Animal Control will continue to respond to emergency calls, including issues of aggressive or injured animals. Owner surrenders are being postponed until further notice, adoptions will be done by appointment only. Shelter pets are listed on Petfinder and Petango. For all Animal Shelter inquires (including: adoption, fostering, reporting lost/found pets, animal control), citizens should call (504)736-6111 or (504)349-5111 during regular business hours which are Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturday 9:30 a.m. -5 p.m.
Jefferson Parish Libraries All Jefferson Parish libraries are currently unavailable to incoming patrons until further notice. Library staff will be answering phones and responding to customer emails. To contact the library visit www.jplibrary.net for your library branch’s contact information.
Items may be renewed remotely by calling the renewal phone line at (504) 885-8588 or by logging to your account thru our website at www.jplibrary.net. Patrons with overdue items will not be charged late fees. Books that have been placed on hold will remain on the hold shelf at each library and extended.
All children, teen and adult programming has been cancelled and the tax services provided by external nonprofit groups have been terminated for 2020.
Please note that our digital services are always available! Access eBooks, eMagazines, and eAudiobooks; stream movies and music; and use online resources from the comfort of home with your Library card. For assistance using any of these services, call your local JPL branch.
To access any of our online resources, visit our website www.jplibrary.net and select Online Databases in the right column.
Alario Center Alario Center is closed to the public at this time. All events scheduled at the Alario Center are canceled or postponed, until further notice.
Jefferson Performing Arts Society Events at the Jefferson Performing Arts Society are canceled until further notice.
Event Permitting All event permitting is suspended, until further notice.
Jefferson Parish Government Buildings (GGB & Yenni) reduce the amount of face-to-face public interaction. The Yenni and General Government Buildings remain open to the public however we are discouraging non-essential visits to our facilities to minimize contact and socialization. Paying your fines/bills online as well as conducting business via phone and/or email is highly encouraged. Vendor visits, and other non-essential trips to these facilities are discouraged as it will limit or reduce the public coming into our facilities.
Schools In response to the Governor’s emergency proclamation, all Jefferson Parish Schools are closed through at least April 14. Jefferson Parish remains in communication and coordination with the Jefferson Parish Schools (JPS). Each school will be communicating directly with families on the steps and resources that will be provided to support ongoing student learning. For more information about JPS and its response to COVID-19, visit www.jpschools.org/coronavirus.
Business Community JEDCO will maintain normal office hours at this time. However, for the safety and well-being of our community, JEDCO offices are closed to the public. Instead, the organization encourages all outreach be done over the phone or via email until further notice. JEDCO continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and its potential impact on the Jefferson Parish business community. JEDCO will regularly provide business updates and access to resources on the JEDCO website and all JEDCO social media channels. For more information, visit www.jedco.org/covid19-updates/.
Jefferson Parish Council The Jefferson Parish Council is regularly scheduled to meet on April 1, 2020. As a government, we continue to make prudent decisions to safe guard our residents from community spread of COVID 19. The situation is fluid and our hope is that current drastic measures will stabilize the spread of this virus and allow government and businesses to resume sooner than later. We will continue to monitor the situation as we approach the regularly scheduled date. It is our desire to allow as much parish business to continue as possible however we will respect the directives of the CDC and our Governor. As we get closer to the meeting date we will take necessary action, consider all of our options and convey them to the public. All Council Meetings are streamed at www.JeffParish.tv/live. The Jefferson Parish Council Chairman’s office will remain accessible by phone 504-364-2616 and email RickyTemplet@jeffparish.net.
Jefferson Parish Courts The following information is noted on www.jpclerkofcourt.us/:
- 24th Judicial District Court (March 15 – April 13) All civil trails suspended
- 1st Parish Court (March 15 – April 10) All criminal and traffic settings shall be reset. Installment payments deferred. Nonessential and non-sensitive civil cases shall be reset.
- 2nd Parish Court (March 15 – April 10) All criminal and traffic settings shall be reset. Installment payments deferred. Nonessential and non-sensitive civil cases shall be reset. Attachments recalled and new contempt waived except on certain cases.
Louisiana Elections Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin announced a postponement of the April 4 Presidential Preference Primary and Municipal Primary until June 20, as well as a postponement of the May 9 General election until July 25.
For more information about Jefferson Parish, visit www.JeffParish.net. Residents can also receive regular updates by following the Parish on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@JeffParishGov).